To Find Quality Couple Time, Lose the Wifi

Alison Pedler Alison Pedler
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happy couple giving a piggy back ride outside

If you, like us, spend most of the week at work you might not spend much time together as a family, and always look forward to your weekends to get some quality time in. Every Saturday starts the same in my house: I send my partner into his den to play his Xbox while I get the household chores done.

We always have big plans to go for a walk, have lunch out, or indulge in a bit of retail therapy after I get my to-do list done. However, by the time the weekend rolls around we are usually too exhausted to do anything. Apart from a quick dash around the grocery store, most of our precious weekend time is spent online, catching up on social media or watching junk on Youtube while laying around on the sofa.

Last weekend I was unloading the dishwasher when I heard a loud shout and bang from the den. I knew this only meant one thing: the Wifi was down. It was only a matter of time before he would come out grumbling and moaning and get under my feet. 

I was getting ready to handle his complaining when I stopped myself. Maybe this was a sign that we should get up off our butts and do those things we are always meaning to do.

Once the idea was in my head I couldn’t let it go. So that's what we did.

The chores could wait - this opportunity is too good to squander in suds.

young couple on a hike

It took a little cajoling to get my other half in his walking boots and jacket but once we were outside it was fun. We walked through the park, jumping in puddles and throwing leaves like little kids. Then we had coffee and cake at this gorgeous little tea room around the corner from our house that apparently had been there for years, but I had never noticed it.

We went grocery shopping, but something had changed. We only bought what we were eating that night, and strolled through the market arm in arm as we made our choices.  We settled on two choice steaks, asparagus and new potatoes, a rather expensive bottle of red and some fresh strawberries.

We headed home and shared a lovely bath together (something we hadn't done since our college days).

All snuggled and warm we cooked and shared dinner together: no TV, no Wifi, just easy conversation and relaxing music played on our old CD player.

I can honestly say it was the best day I have had in a long time and my husband agreed. We have decided to turn off our Wifi every Saturday to give us time together and make a start on those days out and lazy lunches we never thought we had time for.

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