safe, organic essential oil wet wipes for cleaning

DIY All-Natural, Non-Toxic Thieves Cleaning Wipes

Are you looking for an all-natural, great-smelling set of cleaning wipes to replace the Clorox in your cupboard? This DIY recipe could be a hit!

DIY All-Natural, Non-Toxic Thieves Cleaning Wipes

Are you looking for an all-natural, great-smelling set of cleaning wipes to replace the Clorox in your cupboard? This DIY recipe could be a hit!

black pepper essential oil is a little-known but very-potent oil

Getting to Know Black Pepper Essential Oil: Dig...

Black pepper is a little-known but very potent essential oil.

Getting to Know Black Pepper Essential Oil: Dig...

Black pepper is a little-known but very potent essential oil.

essential oils create a peaceful and clean home atmosphere

My Favorite Household Uses for Essential Oils

Since I discovered essential oils, they've worked themselves into every part of our household! Read on to learn about my favorite uses around the house.

My Favorite Household Uses for Essential Oils

Since I discovered essential oils, they've worked themselves into every part of our household! Read on to learn about my favorite uses around the house.