Say Goodbye to Belly Fat with These Tips

Kylie Corral Kylie Corral
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As the summer wears on, most people are adamant about staying active and healthy. That means saying goodbye to harmful belly fat. But how exactly can you do that? Belly fat exercises and belly fat loss are familiar terms to those preparing to lose weight for the summer months. Belly fat diets and belly fat-burning foods can also aid those seeking a healthier lifestyle, but alternative options can include belly fat removal

Belly fat isn’t fun—it causes stress and can weigh you down. Burning belly fat before summer might be your goal, and the way to do so isn’t as hard as you may think.


Causes of belly fat

Gaining weight can be frustrating, especially if you don't know what causes belly fat in the first place. For starters, there are two types of belly fat, visceral and subcutaneous. Visceral fat is internal but can lead to health concerns like heart disease. Subcutaneous belly fat sits just under the skin and is visible.

The only way to measure visceral fat is to get a CTI or MRI. However, your waist size is one way to indicate whether you have a healthy amount of fat. Typically, a waist of more than 35 inches indicates the presence of visceral fat in women. For men, waist size shouldn’t be over 40 inches.

A poor diet and too little exercise can slow your metabolism and reduce your ability to burn fat. Studies have also proven that alcohol leads to an increase in belly fat in men. Stress, lack of sleep, and sugar are some factors that are linked to weight gain in the stomach. However, fat can often result from genetics or childbirth in women.


Belly fat exercises

As we age, our muscle mass decreases, and therefore, belly fat increases. Those who typically gain weight have a less active life, increasing their risk of obesity. If you want to counter this, incorporating some kind of exercise into your lifestyle may just be your best bet.

Exercise that increases heart rate and breathing benefits the cardiovascular system, particularly running, walking, and swimming. Weight training, on the other hand, decreases the amount of belly fat you have by increasing lean weight, which burns more calories naturally. Lifting weights can also increase metabolism. And if neither of these are exercises you’d like, lower-impact exercises like yoga may be a better alternative.


Belly fat diet

Just as a diet is likely to cause belly fat, it can also be the solution to losing it. It should be noted that dieting does not mean not eating. While reducing your portion sizes can be helpful, studies have found not eating can cause weight gain and contribute to other health issues. Controlling your portion sizes can be accompanied by intermittent fasting, an approach where a person fasts for 16 hours and eats during the remaining 8. This has been proven to reduce more fat than calorie counting.

Another way to make your meals healthier is to include fat-burning foods. To begin, try to limit the amount of sugar that you consume. Eating more protein, like eggs, dairy, meat, and fish, increases metabolism, retains muscle mass, and encourages a feeling of fullness. Limit your consumption of fruit juice and replace it with probiotic supplements that balance weight loss with beneficial gut bacteria. Of course, pairing a healthy diet with regular exercise can aid in more efficient fat loss.


Belly fat removal

Changing your lifestyle to lose belly fat can be hard, especially for those who are busier than the average person. However, those who cannot change their diet and activity levels have other options.

There are two types of belly fat removal, invasive and non-invasive. During invasive belly fat removal, the surgeon will break up and remove fat cells with the help of small incisions. Invasive procedures are known for their fast results and long-lasting effects, but are painful, can scar, and damage skin structures. Non-invasive belly fat removal melts fat away with approaches such as ultrasound waves, laser energy, and freezing of fat cells. While the results take longer to show and fat cells can grow back, it is a safer and more comfortable alternative.

Belly fat removal is a great way to lose weight fast, but studies have found no improvement in health after losing weight. Heart, blood, and insulin health can be restored with a better lifestyle and diet.


How to lose belly fat for good

We should all have a healthy amount of fat, but the question lies in how to maintain that healthy amount. An effort to stick to an unfailing routine is the answer. 

Be conscious of healthy meals and the foods you buy. Increasing fiber by replacing low-fiber foods and products can help you maintain weight loss. Staying active can happen even on the most mundane days. Find ways to walk more, participate in local activities, and work around your schedule to get outside. Stressing less keeps energy and metabolism levels up. Sleep the recommended amount to reduce the chances of gaining weight in the first place. 

Fat loss can be beneficial in so many ways, but losing it is the first step. Burning fat can be hard at first, but with effort and the help of an active lifestyle and a healthy diet, you can find yourself without stressful weight. Finding solace and solutions in belly fat weight loss can help lead you to a better life, even beyond summer.

This article is meant to be informational and should not be treated as medical advice. You should always consult with your physician for any personal concerns or when feeling ill and before starting any new supplements.

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