Stay awake without caffeine

Kylie Corral Kylie Corral
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Coffee alternatives might not sound promising when we all wake up wanting caffeine first thing in the morning. The older we get, the more likely it is to think that coffee is the only easy way to stay awake without caffeine. But worry not, coffee alternatives for energy are out there, and they can help to prevent the negative effects of coffee, such as anxiety, restlessness, and a post-caffeine crash. These caffeine-free coffee alternatives are creative and healthy ways to wake up and stay up all day.


Eat Breakfast

There are many benefits to eating breakfast in the morning before anything else. Breakfast can help weight management and can aid in the management of conditions like diabetes and heart disease. While sleeping, your body undergoes a fasting period at night and glucose levels need to be restored for you to fully wake up. The food that you eat during breakfast does just this, boosting your energy levels and ability focus, much like coffee does.

If waking up has become a problem for you on a regular basis, then the solution might lay in breakfast meals as one of many coffee alternatives. For the healthiest results, try a breakfast with whole and unprocessed fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy, and protein.



Exercise is vital to a healthier approach to waking up when you’re feeling drowsy. If you’re not one to roll out of bed and onto the yoga mat first thing in the morning, then exercising throughout the day on a regular basis might be a better option. Whether it's taking a 15-minute walk or weight lifting at the gym, more physical activity can make you less chronically tired

When you exercise, the cells in your body need more energy which then triggers the release of endorphins and norepinephrine that you need to feel awake and alert. So before getting the coffee-making started, try a bit of exercise to get jump-started into the day.


Stay Hydrated

Most of the time, fatigue can actually be a common symptom of dehydration. So, alongside feeling thirsty, lightheaded, and dizzy, you will often feel like a nap is in order. A cup of water in the morning can keep you refreshed like any of the other coffee alternatives.

Dehydration occurs when your body loses electrolytes faster than it gains them, which is what helps your body properly function. Not only that, but blood pressure will drop, leading to reduced blood flow to the head and an overworked heart, thus creating the fatigue that you might confuse to be lack of sleep. To stop the overwhelming effects that dehydration fatigue brings with it, it is recommended that healthy adults drink 4 to 6 cups of water a day.


Take Naps

Instead of an afternoon coffee (don’t do it), a short nap can benefit you more. There is actually a scientific explanation as to why power naps have the ability to wake us up rather than make us more tired.

During the first few stages of sleep, you’ll notice that you’re still relatively alert, making it easier to get up and continue with your day. The relaxing effects of the first two stages of sleep include slowed heartbeat and relaxed muscles. Most people don’t feel as if they were asleep at all.

Not all naps are the same, however. If you fall asleep for more than 20 minutes, you’ll soon find that waking up from a deep sleep in the later stages causes more grogginess than before your nap, so setting an alarm for a short power nap is ideal.


Try Coffee Alternatives

If you’re still pining for that cup of joe, there are some coffee alternatives that are a healthier morning substitute.

Some of these options include matcha tea, lemon water, herbal teas, dandelion coffee, and mushroom coffee, which don’t have the same negative effects that caffeine may have.

These coffee alternatives for energy provide other benefits as well, such as antioxidants, probiotics, vitamins, nutrients, and much more. It's a win-win, with you getting the energy you need to wake up and a healthier lifestyle to boot.

Coffee can be an enjoyable treat, however, too much caffeine can be one of the reasons why you find yourself so tired. With a healthier lifestyle and diet choices, these coffee alternatives can leave you feeling refreshed in the morning and more energized than ever before.

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